Food processor Tilgul- No cooking required!

Super easy recipe for Tilgul-an Indian Sankranti festival sweet. Vegan and gluten free dessert.

Indian #Sankranti festival #tilgul easy #recipe, vegan, vegetarian, gluten free
Tilgul made in the food processor- No syrup making expertise needed!

Festivals exhilarate a foodie like me and the festival of Sankranti is no exception. I love tilgul -yummy sweets made of sesame seeds and jaggery. As I had said in my earlier posts, according to Ayurveda,sesame seeds and jaggery are said to restore energy and vitality, while providing heat for the body. I need all of that during the winter, don’t I?

I have written about the Sankranti festival in India in my posts for Tilachi Vadi, Microwave Sesame Seed Laddus in 1 1/2 minutes and Bhogichi Bhaji. I love so many aspects of this festival like-

  • Celebrating the winter harvest, eating seasonal vegetables and sweets that according to Ayurveda, our bodies need during the cold season.
  • Exchanging the sweets saying “tilgul ghya goad bola” to mean ‘let’s be friends and/or let’s forget old grievances and renew our friendship’.
  • Haldi kunku- gatherings for women.

In olden days, women did not go out of their homes as much and haldi kunku provided an opportunity for women to do so  and to visit each other. The women offered harvest vegetables and sugarcane  to God in little clay pots called ‘sugad’ and the bounty was shared and exchanged during these haldi kunku celebrations. It later evolved with exchanging little gifts.

I have fond memories of haldi kunku my mother hosted when I was growing up. It was an open house that stretched from the afternoon to late evening, where about 80 or so women were invited with their daughters and daughters-in-law etc.. I looked forward to the haldi kunku all year. We dressed up and greeted the invited women and girls with haldi kumkum, perfume, rosewater, flowers, tilgul and supari and my mother gave them gifts. In turn, we visited other homes for haldi kunku during the 3 weeks or so that the celebrations continued.

I helped Aai, my mother, make the tilgul and got a lesson firsthand on how to make sure the syrup was exactly the right consistency. But I know many cooks are nervous about the syrup. So I am hoping that this recipe with no syrup involved, will be of great help to them and to all of us.

Btw, as I was planning to make this food processor tilgul, I realized that my food processor was broken. So I had to use a little dinky 2 cup food processor that has…eh..very little power. Even then, the tilgul turned out great. So yours may be even better! What food processor do you use? Do you like it? Let me know. I need to get one.

Oh yes….the Tilgul! Here are the the step by step pictures-

Indian #Sankranti festival #tilgul easy #recipe, vegan, vegetarian, gluten free
Step by step clockwise from top left- ingredients, gooey dates and jaggery mixture in the food processor, the sesame seed mixture lumping together and the rolled and cut tilgul vadi

Food Processor Tilgul-No Cooking Required

  • Servings: 25
  • Difficulty: super easy
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  • 4 dates
  • ½ cup brown sesame seeds, toasted
  • ¼ cup shredded dry coconut, toasted
  • ¼ cup roasted peanuts, crushed
  • ¾ teaspoon cardamom powder
  • 1 tablespoon dalia / roasted chana dal (optional)
  • A small pinch of salt
  • ½ cup shredded or finely cut jaggery

To make the tilgul-

  1. Soak the dates in warm water.
  2. Combine the sesame seeds, shredded coconut, crushed peanuts, dalia (if using), cardamom powder and salt. Set aside.
  3. Remove the dates from the water and discard the water. In a food processor, blitz the dates to mince them. Add the jaggery and process until it is gooey. (See photo 2 in collage)
  4. Add the sesame seed mixture and pulse, until the mixture comes together. (photo 3 in collage)
  5. Remove the combined mixture to parchment paper or silicone baking sheet (I used this). Clump it together firmly, cover with another piece of parchment paper and roll with a rolling pin.
  6. Cut into squares and enjoy! These can be stored at room temperature for a day and refrigerated for up to a week.

Tilgul ghya goad bola….I look forward to making new friends this Sankranti season and renewing old friendships!



61 thoughts on “Food processor Tilgul- No cooking required!

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  1. I enjoyed reading the meaning of the festival Sandhya and also evoking those warm memories of the celebrations when you were growing up in India. How old were you when you moved here? This sweet looks like chikki doesn’t it? Jaggery definitely has my vote! Lovely 👌

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks so much Loretta. yes this is like a soft chikki. I love the taste of jaggery and molasses too. I came here as a 22 year old bride 🙂


  2. I agree that those mini food processors aren’t good for much more than coarse chopping. It’s frustrating when you are doing just a small project and hate to haul out the big heavy machine but the small one won’t quite do the job.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Is there a food processor you like Greg? I know the Cuisinart 14 cup comes highly recommended but I also love food processors with a thick and thin slicing and shredding discs.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You should plan a trip to Jaipur around makar sakranti and treat yourself with all these. If you cannot then the best way is to get these courier-ed or ask someone who’s traveling to Jaipur to fetch some for you. That’s a very common thing that we come across… Every winters!

        Liked by 2 people

      1. You definitely should, they are actually really easy to make (but it can get a little messy and you might end up with glue all over your hands 😀 ) I ended up like that at least, but they were really fun to make! 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

  3. Hi

    I am sending this msg on behalf of our food (Dessert) delivery website. This is for a paid blogging on desserts basically.

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    Tasty Tuesday content can be any interesting write up on a dessert – sweet / cake.
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    If you would be interested, I can share further details on email. Pls do let me know

    Liked by 2 people

  4. This looks so good. My hostel roommate during college days used to bring this from her home town and I used to love it. I didn’t know it’s called tilgul, will try it soon.


  5. Traditions that were carried out when we were young are so close to our hearts. Nowadays festivals are so different with not much interaction with families and friends. This easy peasy recipe for tilgul is just what I like. My jaggery syrup never comes out right!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Mayuri for your sweet words. The jaggery we get here is very different from the one in India and so many people worry about the syrup. I am so happy that you liked the recipe.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. This is one of my husband’s favourite!! This is a must for Sankranti in most households…Love your easy version…Got to try it for sure!! Thanks for the share Sandhya 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Such a quick and easy version of tigul! i love food processors for such quick desserts! And not to forget what a healthy recipe it is, with seeds and sweetened with dates, best energy bar!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

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